Pregnant? Now What?

Serving North Dakota Since 1923

Available for Emergencies

COA Accredited


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Discover Your Choices with Catholic Charities North Dakota

Are you pregnant and unsure of what to do next? You have choices. Catholic Charities North Dakota is here to guide you through this challenging time. We offer a variety of services tailored to your unique situation, from confidential pregnancy support to adoption facilitation.

Our team is dedicated to providing you with the care and assistance you need, completely confidential and  free of charge. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for help. We are here for you.

Understanding Your Options

At Catholic Charities North Dakota, we understand that an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming. That's why we're here to help you understand your options and make the best decision for you and your baby. Our services include providing you with:

  • Baby supplies 
  • Pregnancy education 
  • Parenting education 
  • Adoption education 
  • Basic needs support 
  • Adoption facilitation 
  • Decision making 
  • Qualified families waiting to adopt

Our team is ready to provide you with the information and resources you need. Reach out to us today.

Why Catholic Charities North Dakota?

Choosing the right support during this critical time is crucial. At Catholic Charities North Dakota, we are committed to providing you with the best possible care and assistance:

  • We truly care about our clients and work with you no matter what your plan
  • We are COA accredited, ensuring our services meet the highest standards
  • We can be available for emergencies
  • We are a non-profit organization and gratefully accept donations

Let us be your trusted partner during this journey. Contact us today to get started.

Contact Us Today

Whether you need baby supplies, pregnancy education, or are considering adoption, Catholic Charities North Dakota is here to help. We have qualified families waiting to adopt and can facilitate the process if that's the path you choose. Reach out to us today and let us help you navigate your choices. Your journey is our priority.


COA Accredited to Assist With All Adoption Decisions

Call Catholic Charities North Dakota today.

(701) 235-4457

(701) 235-4457

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CCND: Celebrating US: United and Strong 2020

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Catholic Charities North Dakota Sunday Video 2017

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A Dedicated Team Supporting You Throughout Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Kris Haycraft

Kris H

Director of PPAS Program, Fargo

Lynzie Schmid

Lynzie S

PPAS Social Worker, Fargo

Kristie Urness

Kristie U

PPAS Social Worker, Minot

Lynzie Schmid

Hailey S

PPAS Social Worker, Bismarck

Pregnancy Assistance FAQs

  • What can you help me with?

    The help that we will provide you will be specific to meeting your needs. We respect you and know that every person’s story is unique.  We often help moms by providing education about pregnancy and child development.  We connect moms with resources to make sure that they have nutritious food, stable housing, and are receiving medical care.  We offer education on the options of parenting and adoption, and provide support and encouragement while YOU make decisions that are best for you and your baby.  We support moms through labor and delivery and for as long as needed after your baby is born.  If you choose to make an adoption plan for your baby, we will help connect you with a loving, home study-approved family.  What we don’t do is pressure or judge you.  We are here to help in what is often a stressful time in a woman’s life.

  • If I choose to make an adoption plan, can I ever see my child again?

    Yes, what you are referring to is called “openness.”  There are many levels of openness that you can choose from when making an adoption plan for your baby.  They range from receiving pictures and letters on a regular basis throughout your child’s life to having visits and direct communication with the family that you choose to raise your child.  The birth parent(s) are the ones who choose the family and choose what level of openness they would like in their adoption.

  • Do I have to be Catholic to reveice help at Catholic Charities?

    No, the PPAS program works with women and men of all faiths.

  • Will you pressure me to give up my baby?

    Absolutely not!  We will help you in the decision making process by asking questions, providing the information you need to make an informed decision, and by allowing you the time needed to determine what is best for you and your baby.  We will not pressure you or try to persuade you.  About half of the women we work with choose to parent and about half choose to make an adoption plan.

  • What rights does the baby's father have? What if I don't know who the father is?

    Under North Dakota law, the alleged father(s) of a baby have to be given notice of an adoption plan.  Our staff attempts to contact and meet with the alleged father(s) regarding your desire to make an adoption plan.  If you do not know who the father of the baby is or how to locate him, there are other legal options that we can assist you with.

  • Can I choose who will adopt my baby?

    Yes.  Some women reach out to our agency with a relative or other family already identified that they would like to have adopt their child.  In these situations, Catholic Charities assists both the adoptive family and the birth family with their adoption plan.  Some women reach out to our agency in search of a loving family to raise their child.  Our agency has a number of families waiting to love and care for your child.  Our waiting families have already been through an intensive home study process and have been approved to adopt a baby.  You will be able to view their profiles and select the family that you feel would be the best option for your adoption plan.

  • I am Native American. Does that change the adoption process?

    Keeping children connected with their Native American culture is very important and plays an important role in the adoption process.  A federal law, referred to as ICWA (the Indian Child Welfare Act), requires Native Americans wishing to make an adoption plan for their child to notify their tribe and to give preference to family members, tribal members, and other Native American families when selecting a family to adopt the baby.

  • I'm under the age of 18. Can you still help me?

    Do I have to tell my parents that I am pregnant? Can my parents force me to make an adoption plan? Can my parents prevent me from making an adoption plan?

    We are able to work with anyone who is pregnant even if they are under the age of 18.  If you are a minor, we will work with you regarding the best ways to talk to your parents.  As the expectant mother of your child, you will make all decisions regarding making an adoption plan or choosing to parent.

  • When do I have to make a decision?

    There is no specific timeline for when your final decision regarding parenting or adoption needs to be made.  It is important for you to contact us as soon as possible so we can help you make an informed decision, but that being said, sometimes we are called after the baby is born and that is just fine too.

  • Where is your office? What if I don't have transportation?

    Catholic Charities North Dakota has offices in Bismarck, Minot, Fargo, and Grand Forks.  As getting to one of these offices isn’t always possible, just give us a call and we can figure out a location to meet that is more convenient for you.

  • What if I change my mind?

    The decision to make an adoption plan in not final until a court hearing to terminate your parental rights has occurred.  This is a special court hearing held a few days to a few weeks after the baby is born.

  • What will this cost me?

    There are no fees for birth parents working with the pregnancy, parenting, or adoption services program at Catholic Charities North Dakota.

  • What if I choose to parent? Can you still help me?

    Yes, we will help you get ready for your baby!  We can pass along donated baby supplies and provide parenting education to help you be the best parent possible.  We are here to walk this journey with you, and we will offer support throughout your pregnancy, during labor and delivery, and even after your baby is born.

Learn More About

Catholic Charities North Dakota

Located in Fargo, Bismark, Grand Forks, and Minot, ND. Catholic Charities North Dakota specializes in adoption services and guardianship facilitiation. Serving North Dakota since 1923. Available for emergencies. COA accredited. Call today.

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