Donation Resources

Catholic Charities North Dakota

Help Us Help Others

There are so many people all across North Dakota who need our help. By giving generously to Catholic Charities North Dakota and supporting our services such as adoption, pregnancy and parenting, counseling, guardianship, disaster relief, and charity care, you offer women, men and children the joy and hope they so desperately need.

We accept multiple forms of donations, including:

  • One time and recurring gifts
  • Endowment Gifts and 40% ND tax credit
  • Tribute and Memorial Gifts
  • Sponsorships
  • Grants and foundations
  • Stocks and mutual funds
  • Matching gifts
  • IRA disbursements

Thank you for your help and support – for being part of the solution and becoming part of our team and community network! Follow the links below to donate, or call CCND today to see how your donation can help!

Become a Monthly Donor by Mail Give a Gift by Mail
A person is holding a light in their hands.

Learn More About

Catholic Charities North Dakota

Located in Fargo, Bismark, Grand Forks, and Minot, ND. Catholic Charities North Dakota specializes in adoption services and guardianship facilitiation. Serving North Dakota since 1923. Available for emergencies. COA accredited. Call today.

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