
Catholic Charities North Dakota

By Catholic Charities North Dakota December 23, 2024
When I hear the word “Christmas” my first thoughts are of family, togetherness, laughter, peace and joy. Sadly, for a number of the people that we serve in our Guardianship Division/Intellectual Disabilities, their first thoughts may be fear, chaos, loneliness, grief or anxiety. A year ago, over the holidays, the police were called to a homeless shelter because a young woman with intellectual disabilities, Kalani, was dropped off by a couple from out of state. They left her in front of the building and drove off. Kalani only knew their first names, saying that they were new friends she made in a different state. Eventually, it was determined that Kalani had no place to return to so she was connected with a Developmental Disabilities (DD) Program Manager at the Human Service Center. The DD Program Manager made an emergency referral to our guardianship program as Kalani was not able to give informed consent for services or medical treatment and no family members could be located. We immediately accepted the referral, pending the emergency guardianship court hearing. The court ruled that a guardianship was necessary because Kalani lacked the capacity to fully understand her situation which caused her to be vulnerable and at risk of harm. Once appointed by the court, our guardianship worker immediately met with Kalani at the homeless shelter. Kalani was very distressed. She was afraid because she did not know what was going to happen to her. She had no money, no clothes, no winter coat and she knew no one in North Dakota. Our guardianship worker worked closely with the DD Program Manager to access a safe residential setting and, within days, she moved into a small group home which specializes in serving people with intellectual disabilities. Kalani was penniless – between the guardianship worker, group home staff and the DD Program Manager, they were able to obtain new clothes, a winter jacket, basic needs like shampoo, toothpaste, etc. When Kalani moved in, she was very withdrawn, quiet and anxious. She cried often. Day by day, she started to settle in. Everyone also made sure that she received gifts for Christmas! Kalani began receiving counseling to help address the trauma that she experienced. Fast forward one year – Kalani is thriving! She loves where she lives and she has several close friends. She has a part-time job that she enjoys going to three times a week. With her team’s assistance, she was able to begin receiving social security benefits and North Dakota Medicaid to help pay for her services and medical needs. Life for Kalani went from being fear-based to one of predictability, safety, happiness and peace. Our guardianship workers have the same goal for all individuals they serve – to help each person live a fulfilling life full of joy and peace. Written By: Donna Byzewski Director of GDID
By Catholic Charities North Dakota December 16, 2024
Over the past few years, the Adults Adopting Special Kids (AASK) program has been a part of many changes and adjustments, allowing us to create a program full of high quality, efficient adoption procedures for our children and families! As we allow ourselves to practice all that we have implemented, we also appreciate the time when we can pause and reflect on all the moments that create peace in our world of adoption. One of the most fulfilling aspects of our role is supporting the children who join their adoptive family each year. While many emotions and feelings emerge with adoption, peace is certainly one that is cherished and valued. This past year, AASK helped 245 children finalize their adoption with their forever family! November is extra special because we get to celebrate National Adoption Month! One initiative we work on year-round but focus heavily on in November, is raising awareness for children who are not yet in their adoptive home. In North Dakota, there are approximately 25-30 children who are waiting for an adoptive family at any given time. This fueled our desire to establish the Red Shoe Campaign! The Red Shoe Campaign was started as a collaborative effort between AASK the local Recruitment and Retention Coalitions in eastern North Dakota to raise awareness to the number of North Dakota children waiting in foster care to be adopted. The campaign is a reference to the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy clicks the heels on her red shoes three times exclaiming ‘there’s no place like home’. It is the campaign’s overarching goal to spread the message that there’s, truly, no place like home and that all children deserve a family to call their own. Take a peek at some of our efforts below! While it is difficult to fully experience peace knowing children are still waiting for their forever home, we can find comfort in our continuous efforts to bring awareness to the community to learn about all of the brave, kind, and resilient children who need an adoptive home. We are grateful to have such an important role in a child’s life and are honored to be a small part of their life. We look forward building peaceful moments for children and families in the upcoming year! Written By: Kara Eastlund Director of Adults Adopting Special Kids
By Catholic Charities North Dakota December 9, 2024
Life often feels like a complex, scattered puzzle. Each day, we juggle various pieces: relationships, careers, personal goals, health, and self-growth. Sometimes, these pieces feel mismatched, and we can’t envision how they could ever come together into something whole. But there are moments in life—sometimes hard-won, sometimes unexpected—when things begin to align. In these moments, we experience a sense of peace as if we’ve glimpsed the whole picture. Peace is something many of us crave, but it often feels out of reach. We may think it’s a feeling that arrives when circumstances are perfect—when life is free of conflicts, responsibilities are manageable, and everything is under control. However, true peace is more about inner alignment than external perfection. The real peace that endures comes when we start to see and understand how the pieces of our lives contribute to a meaningful whole. Every aspect of our life is part of the journey to personal peace. Yet, some pieces are harder to accept, especially if they don’t fit our initial expectations. Maybe it’s an unexpected pregnancy, maybe it’s a struggle with infertility, or maybe it’s a relationship that is struggling. When we try to control or force pieces into a certain place, we experience stress, and peace feels farther away. True peace, however, often arises when we accept each piece for what it is and trust that it has a purpose, even if we can’t yet see where it fits. Life’s turning points can feel like magical moments, when suddenly, things begin to make sense. These moments often arrive unexpectedly. Sometimes, we realize that a seemingly insurmountable barrier led us to a new path, or a difficult time taught us resilience. Recognizing these connections between different “pieces” brings a sense of relief and gratitude, and, as a result, peace starts to replace tension. Being Pregnancy, Parenting, and Adoption Services Social workers gives us a front row seat to watch families put the pieces together, to watch things fall into place and for real peace to settle in during a period in their lives when peace seemed unattainable. It’s the reassurance that everything—even the imperfect pieces—contributes to a meaningful whole. Written By: Kris Haycraft Director of Pregnancy, Parenting, and Adoption Services
By Catholic Charities North Dakota December 6, 2024
Kris Haycraft, the Director of the Pregnancy, Parenting, and Adoption program at Catholic Charities North Dakota was honored at the 2024 Annual Hero Bash for her work with the Bundle Up Your Baby Bump events. Kris was one of five recipients of the Community Hero award given for individuals who make a difference in the Fargo/Moorhead/West Fargo Community. In the fall of 2020, Kris began hosting Bundle Up Your Baby Bump events. This event started in Fargo and has expanded to Wahpeton, Williston, Minot, and Bismarck. Bundle Up Your Baby Bump is a free shopping event for expectant parents to get the supplies they need for their babies and children. All year long the PPAS program collects gently used baby supplies from parents who no longer need them and then give them away two times a year at our Bundle Up Your Baby Bump events. These events are hosted in the fall and the spring. Bundle Up Your Baby Bump has been instrumental in giving back to families in need in the Fargo/Moorhead/West Fargo. In the last four years Kris and Catholic Charities North Dakota have helped hundreds of families get what they need to care for their children. The added benefit is that families now know a good place to take used baby supplies where they can make an impact in the community. Kris’s work at Catholic Charities North Dakota and with the Bundle Up Your Baby Bump event is nothing short of inspiring. The care and compassion that she brings to her work and to her clients is evident every single day. Kris has made Bundle Up Your Baby Bump her passion project and is the reason it has been so successful in helping the community. A lot of work goes into preparing for Bundle Up Your Baby Bump and Kris goes above and beyond. In the six months that lead up to each event, Kris collects all the donations and then takes the clothes and blankets home to wash and fold them. What she doesn’t do herself, she organizes volunteers to help her. She is often out in the community advocating for her program and advertising Bundle Up Your Baby Bump to reach more families in need. While there are volunteers on the day before the event for set up and on the day of the event, all the work that leads up the event is completed by Kris and her small PPAS team. Kris dedicates countless hours to helping families in our community through her program and Bundle Up Your Baby Bump. The passion she has for service is unmatched and I truly believe she is a HERO in our community. Written By: Alyssa Yanish Director of Marketing
By Catholic Charities North Dakota December 4, 2024
Across the wide-open expanses of North Dakota, Catholic Charities North Dakota aims to provide essential guardianship services to vulnerable adults, fostering a sense of security and support within our tight-knit communities. The journey to secure the well-being of incapacitated individuals is often fraught with challenges, yet our dedicated staff are here to provide essential support that fosters peace and stability in the lives of those we serve. For those in our care—individuals facing cognitive impairments, disabilities, or health crises, the world can feel overwhelming. Navigating complex medical systems, legal matters, finances and daily decisions can be daunting. Our guardian’s step in as compassionate advocates, ensuring that these individuals have a voice in their care and decisions. The role of a guardian extends beyond just legal representation. It encompasses a deep commitment to understanding the unique needs and preferences of the individual. By building trusting relationships, our guardians create an environment where vulnerable adults feel safe and valued. This connection is vital; it empowers individuals to regain a sense of control over their lives, even in the face of adversity. One of the most significant ways our guardians provide peace is through regular communication with their clients. They maintain open lines of dialogue with their clients, family members, and healthcare providers. This transparency not only fosters trust but also ensures that all decisions are made collaboratively and with the individual’s best interests in mind. Knowing that someone is consistently looking out for their well-being alleviates stress and anxiety, allowing vulnerable adults to focus on their health and happiness. Our guardians also play a crucial role in crisis management. When emergencies arise—be it a medical issue, housing concern, or personal crisis—their expertise and proactive approach make a world of difference. They are trained to handle difficult situations with sensitivity and skill, ensuring that their clients receive the necessary support and care. This ability to navigate crises not only protects individuals but also provides peace of mind for families who may feel helpless in challenging times. Moreover, our guardians are deeply committed to promoting the dignity and autonomy of their clients. They strive to respect individual preferences, ensuring that the personal values and wishes of those they serve are honored. This approach fosters a sense of agency and empowerment, helping vulnerable adults feel that their lives still hold meaning and purpose. As we reflect on the impact of our guardianship services, it’s clear that the peace of mind we provide is invaluable. Every day, our guardians make a tangible difference in the lives of vulnerable adults, ensuring they are treated with respect and compassion. This commitment to quality care not only enhances the well-being of our clients but also uplifts families who can rest easier knowing their loved ones are in capable hands. We believe that every vulnerable adult deserves to live with dignity and peace of mind. Our guardians are dedicated to making that a reality. Together, we are helping to foster communities where everyone can thrive. Written By: Neal Hines Assistant Director of GSV
adoption agency
October 28, 2024
In this blog post, we explore the key things you can expect from an adoption agency as you embark on this incredible journey. Let's learn more!
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